The College Monologues

The College Monologue Project is an evening of original monologues jointly created by students at Queens College and Purchase College as part of the Spring 2024 Media and Performance and Documentary Theatre classes. The monologues are for college students/by college students and address critical issues on campus and off campus including: covid 19, sexuality, student loan debt, campus sexual assault, economic justice, activism, freedom of speech and expression.

The Spring 2024 College Monologue Company Included: Eva Doyle, Necati Çoklar, Rubaiyat Ratul, Naomi Infanzon, Marcela Abanto , Shaday Garvey, Noushin Anika, Akilo Kelly, Isaac Wolf, Ada Victoria Israel, Zian Xu, Raven Kennedy, Winnie Hurd, Nicholas Barreiros, Jonathan Kelly, Matthew Yuen, Rayna Brown, Alysa Asencio, Gabriella Sanchez, Lara Ramos, Daniel Gargano, Daniel Mulcahy, Steven Sanichar, Andrea Ilarraza

Facilitated and Directed by Ash Marinaccio
Stage Managed by Gabriella Sanchez 
Produced in collaboration with Docbloc, The People's Forum, Queens College and Purchase College 
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